NOTE: March meeting
Saturday, March 2nd at 9:00 am: club members will help set up for the 50th Annual Rocky Manginelli Memorial Swap Meet held at the Event Center on 84th Street. The club will have a booth for individuals to sell their own goodies if you help man the booth. At 4:30 pm the same day, club members will meet for dinner at the Trackside Bar in Waverly. The restaurant is located at 13901 Guildford Street. Take Cornhusker Highway into Waverly and turn right at the Cenex station onto Guildford Street and follow into the shopping center. The Trackside serves plain, good American food, see menu at The acoustics are decent so you should be able to visit with friends. Keno is also available for those who would like to part with your money or maybe increase your fortune.

President's Message
Well, 2024 is here and winter has arrived.
We had a good turnout for the Men's winter seminar at Mike Vaughn's garage. He had a demonstration on the changes of the
Model T coils through the years. Then a show and tell of some speciallized tools used in the re-building of the engines.
After that some discussion about the upcoming cross country tour with the ten millionth Model T. Mike is rebuilding the drivetrain so
that it is ready to go for the tour.
Read the March newsletter here. To see earlier newsletters find them on the About Us page.